In my little muddleings of the day, I got to thinking about people and critters. And then people and people. It kind of amazes me still that we can live with carnivores and omnivores in our human habitats without fear of being eaten, or even threatened. Yet in the world some people live in fear for their lives from other humans. Creatures we can actual converse with and share ideas through simple word of mouth or written language. And yet we can't seem to work out all of our differences without violence.
We are supposed to be the creatures of logic and reason. We are supposed to be able to negotiate and compromise, and yet... When you gather us in large groups those ideas separate us more than combine us.
There is nothing wrong with different opinions so long as it harms none. Why can't we live with that?
If animals are so stupid, why do we invite them into our homes and give them free shelter and food? Most people have pets dogs and cats, and all they are for is to be a pet, a companion, something to pet. Could we not get the same fulfillment of relationship from another person? Could we not just stroke a teddy bear and feel calmer?
I think there is something to humans having pets in their lives. They keep us in that slight touch with nature. To have another living thing with you, even if it is a house plant, that connects you back to the Earth.
Then why can't we get along with other people as well as we do our pets?
Maybe it goes back to the abusers of animals. Maybe there is a type of person that is so out of touch with other people and the animals on this world that they offer violence. I am not talking about self-defense violence either. The violence of car bombing random people on a sidewalk because they believe a different idea of god than you.
Perhaps it is more complicated than that. Maybe there is some other oppression going on. But people are also killed for their sneakers.
FiFi doesn't kill Fido for his sweater. They might fight over food, but rarely anything else.
Not really sure what I was trying to make of all this. I guess I was just trying to put it from my head to a screen.
Still, who is smarter? Us or our critters?