Thursday, January 29, 2015

Fence is up

Got the fence up last weekend with some help from friends and family.

And the goats are happy in their new digs.
Also gathered to yard carts of wood from the neighbor's and cleaned up the garage.

We're still getting some orders for cookies and rolls and such but it has slowed down a bit.

Hope I can get the two kids sold when I wean them and start getting milk off of Miss.

Monday, January 19, 2015

kid video

Better video

still spinning but you get the idea

Mostly pictures

Here is the progress on the new shelter.  Rob can walk into it without ducking.  In fact he has to reach up to touch the top so it can be used to house a horse too.  We didn't get as much done as I had hoped, but the weather will still be fair this week.  It'll be a little cooler but the babies seem to be handling it without problems.  Not that the bigger house would make them warmer.

It being a one woman show today I cobbled together some tow straps and hauled the tarp over the hoop myself.  Hardest part was keeping the hooks and ratchets from catching on the panels.

Best use of a McD add I have found so far.

Pardon the spinning camera, I couldn't remember which way was "up" on the phone.

Spike, the rooster, says, "this brand new fence looks like a great place to mark my territory.

Next step is getting the fencing up and the gate.

Sunday, January 18, 2015


So Miss had her kids on the 16th.

I had hoped to have the bigger shelter and pen set up for her, but at least she didn't have them when the temperatures were in the single digits.
They are both boys and won't be of much use around here.  I make castrate them and sell them to 4H kids since  I will be able to register them.  Now I just need to think up some names.  I know I want to name the darker one Frost cause his spots look frosted on, but the lighter colored one with the white spots I will need to think of something.

I'll post more with the progress of the pen.

Sunday, January 11, 2015

The little things

Its just a half gallon plastic orange juice container with half the top cut off, but it was missing this morning and I was slightly upset.  I use it to dole out feed for the chickens and measure out grain for the goats.  It was basically free (after Dad drank the orange juice) and just the right size.  A full gallon milk jug wouldn't be as convenient and I didn't now the level of feed in a full gallon that would equal what I had been feeding.

I thought I had brought it back to the garage last night after feeding but this morning I couldn't find it.  Not in the feed cans, not on the ground near the cans, and not outside where it might have blown away.  I was fairly distressed that we might have to buy orange juice just so I could have another feed scoop.

Happily this afternoon I found it on the back of the chicken wagon where I had forgot it when checking for eggs.

That feed scoop is important around here.  Or so the goats tell me.

Monday, January 5, 2015


Temperatures are below freezing all day now.  This week looks to be keeping that trend.  All the critters are doing ok.  I doubt they are enjoying it, but no one looks to bad from the cold.  Lots of ice breaking to keep the water flowing for them though.

The dog situation seems to have cleared up.  I am very glad it didn't drag on and turn into something really ugly.

I am thinking I will build a "sick pen/training for electric fence" area next to the driveway.  just something small along the property line and driveway that will be a good place to have a critter when they are ill.  Or if Miss decides to kid.  I am thinking I will build the shelter from the doors I was given and top it with a tarp over some pvc or cattle panels.  It will also be close enough to the garage that I can run the electric for the fence from it, underground, without it being too much of a chore to dig the trench.  The electric might have to wait for warmer weather though.

I may just do measuring for the pen this week, and see what the temperatures do, I don't want to be out there for hours on end when it is below freezing.