Here is the progress on the new shelter. Rob can walk into it without ducking. In fact he has to reach up to touch the top so it can be used to house a horse too. We didn't get as much done as I had hoped, but the weather will still be fair this week. It'll be a little cooler but the babies seem to be handling it without problems. Not that the bigger house would make them warmer.
It being a one woman show today I cobbled together some tow straps and hauled the tarp over the hoop myself. Hardest part was keeping the hooks and ratchets from catching on the panels.
Best use of a McD add I have found so far.
Pardon the spinning camera, I couldn't remember which way was "up" on the phone.
Spike, the rooster, says, "this brand new fence looks like a great place to mark my territory.
Next step is getting the fencing up and the gate.