Been fighting back the weeds in the garden. I made the mistake of not bedding it down in mulch and hay. I think this will be my last garden here anyway. When we get some land I will make sure there is a good thick layer of mulch. Been selling stuff on ebay, trying to declutter the house for selling. Plus it is less to move. Donating books to the library, and need to put together some more boxes for goodwill that won't sell on ebay, not junk - just stuff like planters, stuffed animals, some clothes and jewelry boxes. Junk gets put in the trash, and may I never add more junk to my life (or the landfill) again!
Dogs are resting behind me. I think they will love it when we move. They have part of the backyard now (minus garden) but I know when I take them to the lake they really enjoy running around the islands when we stop to swim. I know there will be ticks and flees but that is what heart wormer and flee repellent is for.
Been trying to think how this will work out - we sell the house and then buy the land and if we are lucky there is already some sort of livable structure on it (I would settle for an old mobile home). Then I can start mapping out where I want things and where the best location will be for the house that I want to build. I want solar and water catchment, reuse grey water and will probably have sort of septic. Oh and a wind turbine for dark days. It won't be cheap up front but once it is all put together I think we will really like that we did it. I still can't decide on rammed tires or straw bales, maybe a combination.
I just hope we find some land with a gentle south facing slope.
It wasn't a mistake.. This is a learn as you go situation. Now that you know mulch = good, go from there in the future :) Allie