Did some yard work today and was very happy to see the tomatoes starting to form on the plants. I got some photos.
Oh well it added them in reverse order so the first one is the picture of the stems left from the rabbits eating some of the broccoli
Here is a head of broccoli starting - so far saved from the rabbits.
My corn. These are the popcorn variety (Japanese Hullless) the sweet corn is very stunted.
Cherokee purple tomatoes starting!
My pepper plant - waiting for it to start making peppers.
My one raspberry (or maybe blackberry) I don't know. I will probably pick it soon to keep the critters from getting it.
More corn
Watermelons which are part of my adapted three sisters model.
Tomatillos. The one in the middle is an original the ones on the sides I had to start over from seed.
This was supposed to be a picture of tomatoes but they are kind of hidden behind the leaves.
See, Gardens do listen. You tell it to grow, love it, feed it, water it, and it gives back to you. Wish kids did that more...