There are terrible things that happen in the world, and some beautiful, wonderful things. Lets not take tragedy and raise up the perpetrators into the lime-light. Instead lets comfort each other, talk to our loved-ones, our friends and our neighbors.
Do something good, help your friend with a tough decision. Talk to your neighbor. Volunteer. Try and reach out to that lonely person that might need help. There is no way to know how important you might be in the course of world events if you do not make an effort.
I am going to adhere to Godwin's law here:
I remember reading or hearing about a sci-fi short story a long time ago that involved time travel. I don't recall who wrote it or what it was called or where I saw it, but I think this applies.
A man wanted to go back in time to hunt dinosaurs. There was much calculation done and preparation for where he could go and which dinosaur he could kill without disrupting the time-line.
He was sent back in time with a guide and told to stay on a certain path. Unfortunately he tripped off of it and crushed a bug. He didn't dare tell anyone what had happened and so covered up what he had done.
When he returned to his present time, WW2 had happened and 6 million people had been killed.
Upon further research it was discovered he had crushed the ancestor of a butterfly that had crossed Hitler's path once that had stopped him. It had made him reflect and come to peace with himself to not go to war and slaughter millions
So I guess what I am saying is : Be the butterfly.
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