Tuesday, January 29, 2013


With help from my dad and Rob's we are making progress on getting water and heat restored to the new house.  On the way back to St. Louis Sunday evening there was even a rainbow.  Good tidings.

Freak 60 - 70 degree weather has been nice Mon and Tues.  However I am exhausted today (tues) and so stayed home in St. Louis.
This weekend will be a solder party to get all the pipes together (hopefully).  And we can test the propane lines and see about getting a new tank out there.  Hopefully the furnace will fire.  So far it seems like it should.

I even paid for WoW again for a month.  I was in the mood for it, but I didn't play much last night.  I am wondering if it doesn't have something to do with the height of the monitor to chair.  Ever since I had to get rid of my old computer chair I haven't been on the computer much.  So today is an experiment with some phone books under the monitor.  So far I am liking it, but all I have done is read facebook and craigslist.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013


Bone was fine. Just a wimp with a rasberry.

I had hoped to be able to sell some timber from the land. Which would help clear it and bring in some money but alas, no luck.  However I did find out that pigs may be my saving grace.
No really.
Pigs will plow for food.  They are designed for it, and will uproot stumps for cracked corn. And be happy doing it.  Happier than on a confined concrete floor. So happy pigs getting fat, plowing up unwanted stumps. In the end we get meat.  This might be the best option after all.
Sometimes life gives you what you need.

Dad will be coming up wed and I hope in the week that he is here we can get the water flowing. If we can at least get that done I can stay there and grt to work on other things.

Thursday, January 17, 2013


Well Bone got into something and scraped up the inside of his back leg.  It doesn't look too bad but he is being a baby about it.  He woke me up at 3 am. I gave him a baby asprin and put some antibiotic ointment on the raw part.  He doesn't seem comfortable sitting or laying down. I guess I will call Dr. Chip tomorrow and see what she thinks.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Game ON!

Going out to the house Saturday.  Going to finish with the locks and have the father-in-law start planing out the water pipes.  We'll also go through the electric, labeling the box etc, and double check the smoke detectors  Also going to meet with a guy to see if he wants to buy the timber off the property.  I hope he does.
I hope he has insurance too.... If he gets hurt while cutting trees on our place we don't want to be liable (thanks for the tip Mom).

May also say hello to the neighbors, at least the ones across the street and maybe next door.

Need to price lines for the water tomorrow too while I get locks rekeyed and buy extra keys.

I also need to start figuring out what I want to plant for the early season.  Try and get some broccoli and lettuce going or something.

I have been reading a lot about keeping chickens.  There's a lot of "oh look out for this disease or parasite"  but a lot of horse books are like that too, and it really isn't that big a deal.  Especially in a small backyard setup like I want to do.
I can't decide if I want two different sets, one for eggs and one for meat, or a dual purpose breed.

My next trick will be learning about rabbits.  Those will be for burgers, frying, and the scraps for the dogs.  Besides their droppings are great for the garden.

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Little Yellow House

As much as I am nervous about making a go of it making money by farming, I am comfortable in the little yellow house.

Friday, January 11, 2013


Well the paper work is filled out and the money is sent.  We're pretty much owners of the little yellow house in Union.

Now to change the locks.

The true work begins, getting the water pipes in, finding out about timber companies, getting the garden ready (and probably expanding it).  Not sure about livestock yet.  We'll have to see how much money is in the coffers.  But hopefully once the St. Louis house sells there will be some extra money we can put towards that.

Freaky nice day today for January- in the 60s.  I have to go to the house just to do a walkabout.  Get my feet muddy, find out what the rest of the woods are like. 

Friday, January 4, 2013


I wish I wasn't nervous about getting the house in Union.  I wasn't nervous about the acerage near Mom and Dad or the St. John house, or any of the cars, or getting married. I hope it is just that I have so many ideas and plans riding on this.  It might be because Mom and Dad are so invested in it.  I don't know where I will fing the money to get everything built that I want or have the animals with all the bills they bring.

I plan on starting slow with just the garden and then work in some rabbits and chickens, and maybe a goat depanding on how things are going.  Of course I want a horse or two but who knows when we'll be able to afford one.

I'm not sure how much or if I will make much money with this, I like to thimk I can.

There is nothing to do now but try.

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

New Year

Got sick after Mom and Dad went home so I haven't pozted lately. I do want to try and make a nice post for the beginning of 2013 but it will have to wait a little longer. In the mean time I am enjoying freecell and the angry birds series on Rob's tablet.