Going out to the house Saturday. Going to finish with the locks and have the father-in-law start planing out the water pipes. We'll also go through the electric, labeling the box etc, and double check the smoke detectors Also going to meet with a guy to see if he wants to buy the timber off the property. I hope he does.
I hope he has insurance too.... If he gets hurt while cutting trees on our place we don't want to be liable (thanks for the tip Mom).
May also say hello to the neighbors, at least the ones across the street and maybe next door.
Need to price lines for the water tomorrow too while I get locks rekeyed and buy extra keys.
I also need to start figuring out what I want to plant for the early season. Try and get some broccoli and lettuce going or something.
I have been reading a lot about keeping chickens. There's a lot of "oh look out for this disease or parasite" but a lot of horse books are like that too, and it really isn't that big a deal. Especially in a small backyard setup like I want to do.
I can't decide if I want two different sets, one for eggs and one for meat, or a dual purpose breed.
My next trick will be learning about rabbits. Those will be for burgers, frying, and the scraps for the dogs. Besides their droppings are great for the garden.
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