I should have nothing to fear from the government. I have never done anything illegal. I haven't even gotten a traffic ticket. But after I hear so much about small farmers being harassed about raw milk, monsanto law suits etc, I am really worried that someone might come after me once I start selling what I produce here. I left facebook for awhile because I didn't want anyone tracking me on it. The blog was probably something I didn't associate with a wide audience so I didn't think about anyone tracking it.
Who "anyone" is, I don't know, the "Government". Some Men in Black looking suits that start looking for a way to shut down what you are doing because you didn't color inside the lines.
I like being connected to the internet, I like knowing what is going on in the world. I listen to talk (politics) radio because I don't get to watch my cable news channels (and I bounce between CNN, MSNBC, and FOX). I am a news junky. I want to know about the riots in Turkey after the police brutally cracked down on a peaceful demonstration against cutting down trees. I want to know what my tax dollars are paying for, whether it is to help the tornado victims in Oklahoma or to pay the IRS to harass conservative groups. I want to know if my information is being collected in the biggest thumbdrive known to man for possible further investigation in case I ever become radicalized (not likely).
But frankly this stuff is getting out of hand in my opinion. This is actually beginning to scare me. I am almost to the point of unplugging from the news for awhile and hoping it all goes away. But it won't. It never does. The best I can do is keep my own little corner of the world the best I can. I hope that once we get the house sold in St. Louis to get more involved in the community here. Fight the good fight to keep our privacy and rights (no violence).
For now, I am just trying to get my garden to grow.
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