Big Mama only had one kit, this time several days after I removed the nest box and moved her back outside. She and Lil' Poppa are now chilling in the freezer.
I am doing well with my weight loss, I am hoping that with continued effort I can cure my diabetes but that is a long road.
My first seeds came in for the garden!! I can't wait till the trees come in April.
Camo is interested in Miss, if you get what I mean. He is still kind of small to do the deed but he is trying and that makes my hopeful.
We have another dog for the moment. Not sure if we will keep her but she is learning the ropes here. Received her from some friends because she and their other dog weren't getting along. Giving her till March to worm her way into our hearts. Right now to me she still feels like someone else's dog that we are just watching.
The back yard was a skating rink the past few days. The snow melted just enough to refreeze into a thick coat of ice. Especially on the paths I use where it was compacted. I am looking forward to spring and no more snow and freezing temperatures.
I am making progress on my book again (the third one in the series). I am waiting for a friend to help me out on the first one, to make sure there aren't glaring mistakes with spelling, grammar, or plot, before I self-publish on Amazon.
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