Mom's surprise birthday party went off without much of a hitch. Just a small rain shower in the middle of it. Thank you to everyone who helped make it a special day!
The peas and other vegetables I planted are coming up nicely now. Just today they survived a hail storm. Hopefully there won't be many more of those. I got the last two beds prepared for the warmer weather plants and I have my potato rows started with the deep bedding from the goats' winter quarters.
Dad helped me chop down some trees and then we mulched some of the smaller stuff so I have mulch to lay out as well.
I need to start building a new grow-out shelter for some meat birds and turkeys. I hope to have them ordered soon. I wouldn't mind some more laying hens too.
Still no pregnancy with Miss, but I think Camo is getting more experienced. I hope to see her bred in the next couple of months, otherwise I may trade to a new goat.
I think Saturday I will try and get some female rabbits and try that breeding operation again. Rob isn't fond of the meat but I think if it has barbecue sauce added to it and it is shredded he might like it. I hope to find a market for that meat as well. But I am betting my biggest production will be chickens.
Spring is stretching her muscles and wringing out the last of winter. The world is waking with green moist eyes and the birds are singing. I love this time of year.
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