Well one of the Royal Palm turkeys didn't make it. I had suspected he was too lethargic to pull through, and the other one kept walking on him. I had such a suspicion that me and Rob went back to the animal swap to try and get another one but they were sold out. In fact they were sold out of all turkeys.
But thankfully the person hosting the swap on his farm had some hatched recently, and while not Royal Palms, we bought another turkey chick in case the fading one died.
He did die after another day, it was sad, but almost expected. So now we just have the one Royal Palm and a Bronze Breasted turkey. The bronze breasted will end up looking much like a wild turkey but I believe they have the same genes that cause the double breast meat.
I had the dogs on the deck with me this afternoon. Squire is still recovering from his broken leg, he has another 6 weeks with the splint. My rooster, Spike, came to visit and crow for us, and I got a good shot of him. He is such a pretty rooster. I hope to incubate some of his eggs soon.
And here is my farm truck. The rabbits and chickens like to rest in the shade. My parents got me this truck while I was still in high school. I named it Goliath, because every vehicle deserves a name, and it will serve you well if you call it by that name and take good mechanical care of it. (yeah I know ... humanizing a truck...). But still it runs and does everything asked, including sheltering the farm critters.
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