Sunday, September 13, 2015

Security Blanket

Went to the horse auction last night.  Not sure I would have gone without my security blanket but Rob even drove. I know it isn't his idea of a fun Saturday night, but I enjoyed being around horses again, even if it was just the sale barn.
100 plus horses were there. We're not set up to take any in yet, but there was a small mule or two for less than 100 dollars I would have snagged to train up to skid some logs out of the woods if I had been ready.

There was a really cute and fuzzy donkey there that went for 65 dollars.  He was old, scarred up and had a bad back.  He would have been a fuzzy lawn ornament.

I also found 9 eggs under a bush in the front yard.  The next day I found four more.  The hens are locked up in their house for the weekend or until they learn to lay in the boxes again.

 Jethro has figured out he has the good life.  Although he has started to want to go outside more now that he is fat and happy.

 He does enjoy a good game of Diablo 3 though.

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