Scared of what people will think of me or what I create, and therefore who I am. Scared of failure. Failing to create something worth enjoying. Scared of people trying to get something from me for nothing, for no other reason than to be selfish and mean.
So be brave. Have gumption. Try.
Push beyond the thought that people are out to hurt you, that even if you give them the very best they will try to get you in trouble and take everything else you have.
This isn't the same fear that a parent has for an ill child, or a soldier has while facing battle, but it is a fear that everyone has, and probably should have.
And some people succumb to that fear and let it rule them. Some people don't have the physical capability of handling that fear. Sometimes the brain's chemicals aren't properly balanced and the fear turns into something there is no possible way of facing.
And then sometimes. Sometimes there are people who do know you and do care about you that reach into that dark corner where you have hidden and drag you out. So that you are forced to share yourself, exposed in the light of day. And whether or not the sharing goes well, it is the simple fact that people cared enough to drag you out.
And that is something you should relish in.
Thank you pickle relish.
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