Hope everyone voted.
It was a chilly overcast day here with intermittent showers. The neighbors were having their roof redone and it is now covered with a tarp until the weather clears.
I have officially switched into cold weather mode.
Crochet, writing and other indoor activities are taking precedence.
I enjoy being outdoors, so long as I don't have to be constricted by too many layers of clothing.
Going to start trimming the first school story book I suppose. It is one of my better works but it wasn't planned out and so the story kind of wanders. I don't think it will take much for it to tidy up. At least I hope not.
I hate to change the beginning since that was the hardest part for me to figure out in the beginning: introducing people to the world I would be drawing them into, but I suppose a little more excitement might help with explanations to follow. I will see what I can dream up.
I was awake at 2AM..fell asleep 8PM last night and then couldn't sleep. Good luck with your story. Is it one of your earlier books?