Monday, May 30, 2016


I forgot to mention the two baby doe goats we got.  Autumn and Snow.  I hope to breed them this fall and get babies and milk from them.

The yearling horse, Moose, will be going to Chicago.  I am really pleased with how well he has matured here in just two months and I think the lady buying him will do really well with him.

At the moment I am trying to get my kindle to talk to my computer to upload some videos.

Thursday, May 19, 2016


I have been awful about posting.  I admit that I have been cheating and using my personal Facebook for updates.
I bought a yearling and got him halter broke, and got a lot of his ABCs of training in place. I am hoping to find him a new home soon.
Varg busted his leg but after fears of surgery he managed to heal up on his own.
I think we are the last leg of the journey to get rid of the St. Louis house.
We have two new chicks that a hen hatched out for us.  I would love to get another batch hatched out since we lost a couple of hens to predators.