Monday, November 10, 2014

Can't Sleep

I can't sleep.  I am still getting over the last bits of sickness and had a long nap this afternoon and now I am awake at 1 AM.  I need sleep so I will have energy to process the turkeys tomorrow (today - whatever).  I need to get all five of them done because the temperature is going to take a severe drop after tomorrow.  I also need to get more chicken feed and a scalpel and such from the store before I start on the turkeys.

I have an idea to cut a hole in the bottom of a five gallon bucket to make a killing "cone" for the turkeys.  I need to buy a scalpel to make clean cuts since I don't have any more left and paring knives just aren't to my liking.

My other problem is going to be defeathering the birds.  The bucket I used for the chickens probably isn't big enough.  I have a galvanized tub I could use but heating the water becomes tricky.  I could start a bonfire in the pit outside but I am not sure I can tend that while getting the butchering done.  I may just need to make several batches of hot water on the stove and bring them out to the tub.

In other news I gave the chickens some cayenne pepper in their feed.  I hope that will convince them to start laying.

I am also going to get some hay for the goats soon.  I think 20 bales should last the winter since that seemed to work last year.

I feel terribly behind in my winter prep because of the week of rain, being sick, and sadly - basic laziness.

On top of all this, I have cookies and rolls to bake before Wednesday.

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