Monday, October 8, 2012

burning dust

I hate turning on the furnace for the first time for the season.  It means winter is coming, it means it stinks up the house with burning dust, and it means I get sick.  Rob doesn't get sick with all his hyper-allergies.  No.  I do.

Every time.

On the bright side: it means it is cold enough to get the fireplace rocking.  And Halloween is around the corner.

Oh wait, Rob just called - he is sick too.

I hate the cold.

Changeing thoughts.

Why are people so addicted to farming games?  On-line games like farm-ville and the like.  Is it an instinctual miss of the connection with making things grow?  Or am I ready too much into the simple interaction of a person with clicking things on the computer with a mouse?  I mean - how close to having a tomato grow is it between clicking the mouse and actually planting and tending to the plant?  Perhaps it is the immediate satisfaction /reward of the game.

In the back of my mind I like to think it has something to do with actually growing things, at least a little.

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