Monday, September 23, 2013


Mom and Dad came up and brought the Case tractor for me.  It also has a six foot brush hog so I can start clearing some of the land.  Dad helped fix the blade on the lawn tractor so now all three blades will spin and not just two.  He also sharpened the blades, they were in a sorry state.
We got the drywall up in the bedroom in the basement so now all I have to do is mud and paint.  I plan on doing that when the weather is bad.

Went to the family reunion and saw all the cousins and aunts, uncles, and relations I don't remember.

Oh and Mom and Dad bought a car while they were here.  Cause Dad wanted a Durango.  I am still baffled at them just up and deciding to buy a car.  But I am used to it being a bigger decision.

Going to lay out a brick chick brooder in the garage.  That should keep critters from coming at them from the sides.  I need to frame a wire lid that I can weigh down with bricks to keep them safe from the top.

Some people are concerned about me rushing in to getting animals.  But if we all waited for the perfect time to get something then hardly anything would be done.  I need to start some time.  Now seems as good as any.

Next spring I want to get a couple of feeder pigs and fatten them up.  I am not sure when I will get my goat, I guess when one comes up that is the right price.  Spring at the latest.

I will get pictures of the tractor and chick brooder up soon.

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