Saturday, May 16, 2015


Broodiness: inclined to sit on eggs.

One of the hens has gotten into the egg hatching mood.  She won't lay eggs, stays in the nest box all day, and pecks at me when I go to get the eggs the other hens are laying while she is in the box too.

Exhibit A:
 So I moved her and ten eggs to the dog house and strapped on a dog cage so she could move outside a bit if she wants, and to protect her at night.  She seems very happy to fluff up her feathers and stay on the eggs.  I'm not even sure she is eating or drinking much.  I just hope she knows what she is doing.  The only problem so far is when I poked at her the other day to try and get her to at least drink I think one of us cracked one of the eggs.  I believe she ate that one and is now down to 9 eggs.  But if they hatch I will be ecstatic.
 The turkeys turned into escape artists.  First just jumping up onto the pallet from the roosting stick I have in there.  The next day I found them on the pallet of bricks 3 feet away.  And the next day they slipped out under the garage door and I found them chirping madly because they were lost.  I finally figured out how to outsmart my turkeys and put a Tupperware bucket lid on the pallet to block their jump from the roost to the top of the pallet.  Escape plans thwarted!
 And now a picture of two of the baby bunnies. And one of first rose blooms on the bush behind the house.

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